Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Picks

Anne's been hand piecing a small quilt top that she's hoping to use on her sofa and is now ready to add the borders. She took a look in the shops but the selection is pretty limited so we decided to take a look at my stash to see if there might be something there.

It's full of bright botanicals and is a riot of colour. I'm not sure of the pattern name or if she just made up the design, but the block consists four patches joined with narrow strips and either a red, yellow or green square in the centre.

And, if I have the story right, it started with a pile of squares from Jane's stash and grew from there - those large fruit prints are definitely from Jane.

She's been getting help from Jane with it while at the cottage so it's come together faster than she had imagined.

I've come up with two options that might work for her. The first is this large floral. She's got a piece of bright green and she could insert a narrow strip - probably half as wide as the one I've folded - into it.

If that's too wild for her there's a more traditional piece of green and yellow. If she used this one there's enough in the large floral above that she could back it with, and I think that it might be the better option. We'll have to see if any suit.....M


  1. I love the floral Marie. And a big Thank You to Jane who graciously let me take all those food fabrics from her scrap box. They were already cut to size in groups of 4 and were left over from a quilt she had made. The pattern was also from Jane. I don't know the name of it either but I believe Jane has used it a few times including in a baby quilt. Being the button lover she is she sewed a button on each of the mini squares. It's great to have friends and sisters who give you access to their scraps and stashes.

  2. I vote for the floral as well. I think it needs this exuberant border! The fruit squares were from a Kaffe Fassett quilt that I started and didn't like, so I abandoned it. So happy to see them put to use in such a fun quilt. Makes me want to do another fruit quilt! Jane


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