Friday, June 10, 2016

12 Hours In The Car

We enjoyed a short trip to beautiful Niagara-on-the-Lake this week. It's a bit of a hike for us (six hours one way) so I was able to take advantage of the fact that I had 12 hours to act as navigator rather than driver and fit in some stitching on one of the long sashing strips for Danuta's Garden.

The last stitches went into it just after dinner tonight so that takes my tally to six. One more strip to go. Maybe if I buckle down I could get most of the last one finished up by the end of the weekend...

I store my pieces in a plastic case that was designed for scrapbooking but works beautifully for quilting projects. The only drawback is that when it is closed up for a long period of time the plastic doesn't have the most satisfying scent so I've started tucking a lavender sachet in with my pieces and it is much better.

I probably could have been more productive but I was quite enjoying being the passenger - you see so much more than when you are driving.

It's also tough to keep your eye on your stitching when you have views like this to enjoy.

We walked and golfed and walked and went to a few wineries and walked some more. Oh yes, and we enjoyed several lovely meals.

The Official Cookie Tester rented a bike for a few hours one day but I decided that I needed a trip to The Quilting Bee in nearby Fonthill instead. I picked up a few lovely pieces, one of which will hopefully work for the pieced backing that I need to make for Candied Hexagons.

Back to work.....M


  1. I get quilt a lot done while my husband drives, too. But like you, I sometimes unbury my nose to look at the scenery. Your borders look wonderful. I hope you had comfortable weather in Niagara. It's been comfortably cool here in Ohio for the past few days so may that was so for your visit, too.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  2. Quilters can be such productive people at home or on the road. Glad you enjoyed your drive and trip. It's nice to get away and take in new scenery. Sounds like you both had fun.

  3. Very productive travel time.....and a lovely, relaxing break at the end!


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