Sunday, June 05, 2016

It Just Keeps Getting Better

The next border is now being attached to Betty's star quilt and, as suspected, it looks incredible. We enjoyed stitching on the deck at Jane's cottage over the May long weekend and this was the project that Betty worked on. There's nothing like taking the quilting bee out into the fresh air, is there?

She had realized once she started attaching the floral border that the sawtooth border would be better if the mushroom coloured print were to the outside, so she ripped all of that off, reattached it, and then started adding the star border. Lots of work, but a good decision.

It's a marvel. As you look at it it's hard to imagine it being improved upon, but each border proves you wrong.

The maker's talented hands....M


  1. Creativity at its best.

  2. Lovely to sew in the sunshine. Sometimes a little reverse sewing is for the best.

  3. My kind of creativity - making and refining decisions as you go along. Such a beautiful quilt 😊

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Beautiful quilt! Made even more special by the Bee!

  6. It's a beautiful quilt. I'm glad to learn I'm not the only one who sews pieces together only realize they would look better a different way. It makes all the difference to respond to what the quilt "wants."
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,


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