Sunday, May 29, 2016

Weeding Out A Few Greens

I laid out a selection of the nine patches for Danuta's Garden and it didn't take long to figure out that I had much more green in my garden than I'd like. I do have a fondness for green but I saw this one as having a great variety of prints. What to do? A little weeding, of course.

I had picked up a few pieces a couple of weeks ago when I was out for a drive with the Official Cookie Tester so I thought there might be something here that would work.

And then I raided Jane's floral bin when we were at the cottage last weekend (nice guest, aren't I?). Love that little pussy willow print in the bottom right corner.

When all was said and done I didn't use that many of the fabrics that I thought I would, either because of the scale of the pattern or the colour, but I've got the makings of six more. It was beautiful out last evening so I stitched on the deck after dinner and got a good start on them. Today the plan is to get them all into nine patches and move on.....M


  1. Hi Marie, I'm new here and love what you do - you have some great quilts! I love the pussy willow fabric too, it's really unusual isn't it?! I look forward to visiting you again very soon :)

  2. Very pretty fabric and a little blending or "weeding" will balance it all out in the end!

  3. Pretty fabrics! I read back to see what you are making with these - and it's going to look great! are you hand piecing?

  4. Lovely fabrics, I too seem to have many green fabrics, when I first started to quilt each one always had green in them and the first section I tend to browse is the green area. I have that smae pussy willow fabric.

  5. I love that pussy willow fabric, too, and I can't believe that I let you take it! I must have had too much wine by that point!

  6. What a beautiful selection of fabrics. Your blocks waiting to be sewn into 9-patches look wonderful.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  7. So beautiful! Love that pussywillow fabric... brings back wonderful memories of my mother-in-law!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.