Friday, May 27, 2016

Another Spring Garden

Remember my Spring Garden quilt that I made a couple of years ago? Yes, the one that has yet to be quilted... Well, despite its state of limbo it has served as inspiration for Anne to make one of her own.

She started work on it over the winter and is going gangbusters, to the point that she will probably be using hers before I am mine :).

Her big dilemma was the border fabric. She really liked the blue floral that I had used but we couldn't find it anywhere (double bummer because I would have liked to use it for my backing). So, on to Plan B. That great green print that you see in the bottom corner of the top image was in the sale bin in the Hancock's of Paducah's online store so she bought enough of it for the border and the backing and binding, and I think that it's ideal. It's playful and a nice complement to the patchiness of the pattern.

She's had it laid out in rows just waiting for the border fabric and it sounds like with lots of help from Jane over the holiday weekend she's made even more progress. I'm anxious to see how much it has come together and how it looks as the border gets added.

BTW, if by chance you happen to know where I can get my hands on five or six yards of that blue (it's from the California Girl line by Fig Tree) I would be forever indebted....M


  1. I can see why you would like more of that blue fabric, Marie. It is perfect for your quilt. I haven't seen it before but if I do I'll let you know.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  2. I think plan B works well. It's going to make a sweet spring time garden.


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