Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Flower Show

While I had great plans to leisurely sit and stitch floral nine patches Sunday afternoon the Official Cookie Tester had others. Monday was the annual big garbage pick-up in the city and he was bound and determined that we'd get into the basement and clear out as much stuff as we could. Normally, a good idea, but not so much when all you want to do is stitch!

Well, down we went and a couple of hours later emerged feeling like we'd done a good purge.

I like this pick-up because it's almost like one massive garage sale where everything is free. Folks are welcome to pick stuff up from the curb before the garbage men do so happily anything that we put out that had a use went to new homes, which is great. We also did a run to Value Village, so all bases were covered.

Needless to say, the stitching didn't start til much later in the day than I had imagined, but start it did and all six blocks came together and have now been added to the pile, so I thought I'd give you a little flower show. There's still some green in the new blocks but it's much more subtle than in the blocks that I culled.

And I ripped apart on of the original blocks so that I could use this turquoise pansy print because I think that it was the last bit of it that I have. The addition of the turquoise and blue fabrics will be great with the other blocks.

Now to return to finishing off the setting triangles for my Candied Hexagons quilt so that I can get it basted and into the frame for hand quilting....M


  1. It does feel good to purge and you still had time to stitch. Love all the florals.

  2. Beautiful fabrics, beautiful combinations in the blocks, too!
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @ aol.com, joyforgrace.blogspot.com)

  3. Love looking at the fabrics, feeling alittle guilty...not sure which way I want to go...more floral or repro. Busy outside gardening, the weeds have taken over, but enjoying the flowers in bloom. You certainly are giving me inspiration. Also, love diamond hexie you are working on, thinking about starting that one as well.

  4. Your pansies are perfect with the willow - what a lovely selection of blocks! That big garbage collection sounds like a really great idea, nothing so helpful or organised around here.


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