Sunday, September 13, 2015

About That 'Crazy Lady' Thing...

I'm realizing that The Official Cookie Tester might have been on to something when he decided I was moving closer to crazy lady status after deciding to make Nantucket in time for Christmas. Everything would have been fine if I was prepared to make the pattern as printed, but nooooo, I needed to make it larger.

The 12-inch blocks seemed huge to me because I seldom work with a block that large. Well, I did a little math, and, even with adding a row of stars the quilt was still going to be on the small side. I want it for the spare room which has a double bed, and I want enough to drape down the sides so you aren't fighting for blankets in the middle of the night.

Soooo, I realized that it had to be even larger. Adding eight more stars for a total of 20 seems like the easiest option, but easy doesn't appear to be in my DNA these days. I've decided to add three more rings of 9-patches all round so the border will be six blocks deep instead of three. That means closer to 175 9-patch blocks instead of 110. You can see where the crazy part is starting...

I drew it out to see if it was too much but I like the proportions. Then, just for fun, I highlighted in pink how many 9-patches I have sewn so far. Yikes! I've got my work cut out for me.

On the up side, I can now track how many more to do and the chart provides some good motivation, just not sure that it's going to be enough to get me to my September deadline. Maybe if I quit my day job....M


  1. I've always loved that pattern. It will be fun to watch yours grow.

  2. it's going to be amazing!
    don't stress about the crazy lady status you know once you get there you will have heaps of company as you will never be the only crazy lady! lol

  3. It's important to get it just right though.:)

  4. Goodness gracious, Marie! I have this same illness, although I really am trying to conquer it! Audrey is right, though, it has to be right. :D


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