Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Nine Patch Boot Camp

Lately its been all nine patches all the time as I work to getting all of the blocks together for my Nantucket border. I guess it was inevitable - that feeling like my shoulder blades were being fused together - because I seem to be spending every spare minute glued to my sewing machine.

To break things up a bit I sewed the remaining four star blocks, so I can scratch all of the stars off of my list.

After a while I think I might have been getting delirious - it almost seemed that the fabric was trying to send me messages...

When I really needed a break I went upstairs and baked a German Apple Cake. I wanted something with either apples or pumpkin and this one looked appealing so I gave it a shot. It's wonderful. With so much apple in it the taste and consistency is even better a day or two on - nice and moist - and its been ages since I've made anything with a cream cheese icing, so this really hit the mark.

Maybe it was the sugar hit that I needed to get me to the finish line, I don't know, but get me there it did. All nine patches are done! Look at all those pretty pink highlights. Love it. I think that there might even be four extra.

Funny, it looks like more on the chart than in the piles. Now to make them into a border....M


  1. Hi, Marie. I'm coming to Pembroke for a couple of days in October, and would like to trouble you for the names of your fave quilt shops in the area. Only if you have time, of course. I read your blog regularly, and can't imagine how you have time for anything except actually quilting! How on earth do you find time to go to work?!?

    Linda Jenkins

  2. Boy, oh, boy. If that delicious apple cake would get me moving even faster, You'd better post the recipe! :0)). Fantastic pile of nine patches!

  3. Wow you are a dynamo Marie!
    only share that apple recipe sparingly if it has that effect. There will be super crafting getting done everywhere!

  4. Your 9-patch blocks caught my eye on another blogger's link list. They and the stars are striking together. All the best for getting the top together for your deadline. You'll do it! (I started following your blog on GFC and on feedly. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.)


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.