Friday, September 11, 2015

A Fond Farewell

It's done. After years of happy time together (almost eight years to the day that we bought the fabric) I said goodbye to Confetti and passed it on to it's rightful owner, Stephanie, but with mixed feelings. It's sort of like getting to the end of a good book that you would rather not end. Maybe that's why it's taken me so long to wrap it up.

This one is a real milestone for me - it's totally hand stitched and hand quilted, the first and only of my quilts that I can say that about. Usually the quilting gets done by the ladies at the church or, in the past, by mom.

I just love the fabrics in this one and never tired looking at the different combinations.

And I found a great fabric for binding. It's just a tad darker than the background fabric, almost like a latte, and it works beautifully without taking away from the other colours.

Here's a full view. It's a simple block - the fabrics really make it. The photo that I worked from initially is long gone but the colours were much stronger, even more scrappy and very 1970s, a very different feel than this.

Stephanie has recently retired. She's an early bird by nature but maybe this will provide some incentive to hit the 'snooze' button and roll over for a few extra minutes the odd morning....M


  1. So beautiful. I'm sure that this is a really hard quilt to let go of, but that the recipient knows how much love is in it.

  2. Totally hand stitched and hand quilted! Amazing work! What a gift of love.:)

  3. Congratulations, Marie! 8 years!! Are you feeling like something is missing now?

    I'm sure your friend will cherish it. It has a real, enduring beauty that won't grow old. Wonderful. :D

  4. It's a beautiful quilt, and so special that it's all hand made. Time to start one just for you!

  5. well done on such a beautiful finish.
    Love the fabrics too and all that hand quilting is amazing.
    Lucky Stephanie to be the recipient of such a labour of love.
    Next project?

  6. Love it! It's absolutely beautiful. Your friend is very lucky.

  7. Your quilt is exquisite! It has such a gentleness to it and coziness...I'm sure the snooze button will be hit a lot. What a fabulous gift!

  8. The quilt is beautiful! I would have problems to part with it, especially after all the hand quilting.

  9. IT'S BEAUTIFUL! I love the soft pretty colors and since I hand quilt I know the feeling of the quilt..soft as well. What a wonderful gift.

  10. What a wonderful and lovely gift. All those beautiful stitches. Congrats on an awesome finish.

  11. Congrats Marie on finishing it all by hand--what an accomplishment in today's electronic world, making it all the more valuable. Congrats to Stephanie on her retirement--saw her pic in the paper recently--enjoy Stephanie and spend a little daydreaming under this beauty of a quilt, stitched with love, Lindiana xo

  12. Well done! It is a lovely quilt. I love the look and feel of a hand quilted quilt and am sure that Stephanie will be tempted to stay in bed, snuggled under Confetti for an extra few minutes each day!


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