Monday, September 07, 2015

If One, Why Not Two?

I'm not sure if Pinterest is a blessing or a curse but trolling around on it got me thinking. That, and one lonely extra sashing strip from Country Charmer. If I had one Christmas quilt finished could I make a second one for the guest bedroom and get them both (machine) quilted before Santa's big day?

Long before I knew the name of this quilt - Nantucket - I had printed a tiny black & white version of it which has been kicking around my sewing room for a few years now. I came across it again last week on Pinterest and couldn't help but think that maybe its time has come. A red and white quilt has long been on my wish list and I couldn't resist the siren call of all of those 3-inch 9-patches.

This is the strip that started it all.

With my aversion to square quilts I'm going to add another row of stars, for a total of 12, and that means about 110 scrappy nine-patches. The Ohio Star blocks finish off at 12 inches so they will go quickly and I think once I get into the swing of things with the 9-patches they will too - at least that's what I'm telling myself.

Doesn't look like much, but soon this will be a beautiful 9-patch border.

So now to finish two quilt tops by the end of September and get them off to Roberta. The Official Cookie Tester thinks I might be becoming a crazy lady, but it's Christmas, right?....M


  1. Looks familiar all those red and white squares :)
    Would be nice to have them finished before Christmas. It is rather expensive to let someone quilt your quilt in my country. I heard it is way cheaper in the US may be also in your country.(same with fabrics here: we pay about 20 euro's per meter, that is about 29 Canadian dollars per meter)

  2. I've had that pattern in the pile too. A red and white quilt will be classic and timeless. It's one of my favorite combos. In fact, I've been working on one too. Great minds, I guess!

  3. ...right. You are crazy -- good crazy -- but still crazy!

  4. I absolutely love 3" nine patches and this is a great way to use them! I like to cut up my scraps and arrange them as nine pateches on a small square of flannel. I keep a pile like that beside my sewing machine and use them for leaders and enders. I've got boxes of little nine patches that I've made this way. I'm really looking forward to seeing your finished Nantucket quilt!


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