Thursday, July 31, 2014

I Caved

I guess it was just a matter of time because I've been dancing around this one for a while now, and I've finally caved.

After taking pics for my last post I started digging in the cubicle where I had been keeping all the fabrics for Danuta's Garden when I was ready to pick it up. Most of my fabrics are stored by colour but this cubby has been collecting florals specifically for this quilt.

A little baggie of scraps revealed a treasure trove of 1 3/8" blocks for the sashing, but even better than that, 30 4-square blocks already assembled. I know that a few of them were remnants from the last quilt because they were machine stitched, but there were many more that were hand stitched (when I did these I have no idea), so it's not really starting a new quilt at all, is it? Just picking up one that was already in the works :).

Of course once I got into the bag I just had to sit and stitch a few more, so 30 is now 40. I need about 350, but hey, a start is a start....M


  1. You've got to sew when the creativity strikes. Great beginning.

  2. I love this...have a pic of a finished one to share...and instructions? Keeping me awake at night :-)
    Thanking you in advance.
    piecefully yours,
    Susan Vicary
    Pittsburgh, PA

  3. LOL. You know when you're thinking about it that much, it has to happen. You're off to a great start!


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