Sunday, July 27, 2014


Jane's cottage is a comfy little haven, perfect for relaxing and stitching, and sometimes a little gardening (with needle and thread).

And gardening she has been doing, making great progress on Danuta's Garden, stringing together happy little sashing strips.

Most of the 9-patch and star blocks are made so she's busy making tiny 4-patches and joining them together. She has a beautiful little tin of gorgeous pieced bits that she's working with.
Linda has decided that she needs to make this one too and has chosen another beautiful palette of fabrics - dreamy blues & pinks & creams. Just LUUUUUV that blue on top.

She set to work cutting some squares for her 4-patches...

and it didn't take long before she had needle and thread working their magic.

She's been encouraging me to pick mine up and work on it (she'd like to see the three versions at the same time) but I'm still resisting in the hopes of finishing off one or two others that I'm working on.

These scraps from the one I made with mom are taped to my sewing room door are the closest that I've come to working on it; maybe now that my Postage Stamp is so close to being finished I will start this one....M


  1. Yes, I love that blue & pink fabric too! I admire your willpower, with all this temptation around you!

  2. That looks like a good scrap buster.
    Maybe you should start a sccrappy sew along and encourage the rest of us to follow. I'd be willing to go along just to use up a bit of fabrics in my way.


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