Thursday, July 24, 2014


She really had no intention of starting a new quilt, but a quick stop at Stedman's before we landed at the cottage resulted in a new bag of fabrics and, within an hour of landing, Anne was washing and ironing fabrics so that she could start cutting (notice all of the essentials - ruler, sewing machine, jelly beans and beer...).

No hand sewing for this one - she was off to the races making HST blocks four at a time. She wants a lap quilt for her sun room and this is it, a mix of beautiful blues and aquas with a little green thrown in for good measure.

It's a nice crisp combination, and at the rate that she's going it will be done in no time.

Linda has been working on a few Christmas stockings and brought them to show us.

It's the same pattern for all of them but all are very different, and very beautiful. This one had lovely lace embellishments.

Just love this bird fabric and the swirling quilting pattern; she's just trying to sort out what the binding will be for this one. Yes, it's July, but the big guy will be here again before we know it so it's a good idea to get some of these projects started now....M

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