Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Cutting, Cutting, and More Cutting

We enjoyed a great long weekend, taking in a football game in Ottawa, catching up on long overdue sleep and reading, sipping cold drinks on the deck, and generally having a wonderful time. Not much sewing included in that list but I did resolve to finally finish cutting up all the strips that I had prepared for Minnie into hexies. Easier said than done.

I continually underestimated how many strips that I had, but took a stab at it. Good progress was made Friday night but at least half of the strips remained.

Fresh fruit is in season now so Sunday I decided to whip up my much-loved Crostada (I'm sure you're sick of hearing just how much I love this dessert - thank you Ina Garten). Mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm.

Not sure if it was the sugar boost from dessert or just having time on my side, but I finally conquered those strips, and have a lovely little pile of hexies cut and ready to sew. It doesn't look like much but there are lots here. I know I'll need more as I get into the larger rounds but will cut those as I need them so that the strips don't start getting all ratty.  Finally!....M


  1. Good job. That's what long weekends are for; catching up on important things with friends and family. But you did one better; you work on your hexies. Good for you. That DOES look very yummy desert.

  2. Sounds like you've been having a lovely time. Sweet hexies.

  3. Hi.
    I just wanted to thank you for your blog entries. I am working on a sampler quilt for a wedding and was interested in doing a block using hexagons. Your entries and photos are inspiring!!

    Also when I was a young girl (we won't say how many decades ago that was!) we used to visit Golden Lake. I well remember stops at Wilno, Barry's Bay and Pembroke. Hearing about Steadman's brought so many memories! Tightly clutched pennies saved over the entire year to buy a treat. I even remembered the delicious blueberry ice cream from Eganville. It was nothing like we had in Toronto. That sure made for some bragging when we got home.
    Thank you for triggering those memories and the visual treats from your photos.
    Best regards,


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