Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday Morning

I was up early and enjoyed a lovely, quiet start to the day, stitching a little on Minnie and sipping my coffee.

We're getting together with our friend Ann at Betty's for brunch and having Strawberry Shortcake (first fresh berries of the season), so making biscuits was next on my list. I love buttermilk in cakes and recently found a recipe for Southern Buttermilk Biscuits so I decided to give them a shot.

So glad that I did. I used my food processor and they took no time at all, and they are de-lish (yes, I tested one - couldn't risk the possibility of poisoning someone, could I? :) The neat thing about this recipe is that you can freeze the unbaked biscuits and bake them as needed; could be dangerous...luv fresh biscuits!

Back to Minnie for a few more minutes and then it's into the shower and off to brunch.....M


  1. Oooo, looks good! Now I'll be hungry all day. :(

    Enjoy the rest of your (long?) weekend!

  2. I can see how this would be the perfect way to start a day, a cup of coffee and a little stitching.

  3. Your photos today gave a perfect picture of your morning.

  4. What a perfect morning. Those hexies are adorable. Enjoy your day.

  5. Sounds like a perfect morning! Those biscuits look delish. That would be very dangerous in my house - biscuits ready to pop in the oven. Very dangerous.


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