Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Another Rhubarb Recipe to Love

Happy Canada Day, everyone - 147 and  counting! It started out rather dull and gloomy and changed to thunderstorms early in the day so a day outdoors was not to be. That gave me the perfect opportunity to try a new rhubarb recipe, and it is fabulous.

Remember this beautiful cookbook (Butter) that I got from Stephanie for Christmas? Well, it has been on my bedside table for a couple of weeks now; I curl up with it at the end of the day and pore over the recipes (is that sick?). Nightly I would change my mind as to what had to be made first, but the recent heat spell has quashed thoughts of heating up the kitchen.

Today I threw caution to the wind and decided it was time to try the Sour Cream Rhubarb Pie. My, my, my... this is a delight and definitely on the 'make again' list.

It was still slightly warm after sitting on the counter for a few hours and everything about it was yummy - crunchy cinnamon topping, creamy custard filling, just enough rhubarb and flaky pastry.

I had fresh pastry and a jar of homemade mincemeat that I'd gotten from Bunny, one of the gals who is part of the quilting crew from the church, so I also made a couple dozen mince tarts. I know it's not the season for them but it just seemed like a good idea. Bunny can't be 5 feet tall, is 85 if she's a day, and is very much a going concern. She gave me this jar when I picked up my quilt a while back and I wanted to make sure that it got used. Delicious.

Before any of the baking started I had been playing with my Sea Glass blocks.

I've got 48 made now and wanted to see them all together.

I switched up the layout a little bit so it's more a zigzag than radiating white diamonds and I think I prefer it this way. It also gives me a little more leeway in terms of how wide & long I make it - the first layout meant that I was always adding 2 blocks if I wanted it wider or longer. What do you think? Do you have a preference?....M


  1. I love the radiating diamonds, but wow! either way this quilt is looking fabulous! Such great scrappy fabrics--it's all wonderful.:)

  2. I like the first way...I'm not fond of anything too geometric.
    Love the fabrics!

  3. Happy Canada Day. No, there's nothing wrong about reading a good cookbook at night. I do that all the time and like you, always think about what I should make next. Love how your sea glass quilt is coming together. I actually like the zigzag design. It really has a graphic element and real movement.

  4. Your making me hungry!!!! Happy Canada Day !
    I really like both of them the first one though I love the coloration of it, softer look, the second one looks so blue! Its funny I thought I would say the second one cause I love graphic quilts and this one has such the diagonal thing going on but this time I have to vote for 1.
    ok maybe you just need to keep making these and make two quilts :)


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.