Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sea Glass

I laid 20 blocks for the String Quilt out on the floor and left them there for a few days to get a good feel for how it would look and two things came of it.

After several trips by it I realized that it could do with a little less grey. I had been including at least two strips of grey in each block and just got the feeling that it was becoming more grey than I wanted, so I'm making several blocks of just blues.

The second good thing is a new name. String Quilt is fine, but a tad on the technical side, don't you think? From here on in it will be called Sea Glass. The soft blues & turquoises remind me of a hand full of sea glass, and it sounds much prettier than String Quilt.

I've got a pile of blocks that the foundation papers need to come off of but I think I'll sew a few more and then do a larger batch....M


  1. Love the assortment of fabrics you're using. And the new name is perfect.

  2. These are stunning blocks and the new name makes them even more lovely.

  3. Really beautiful fabrics and blocks. I too like the name of your quilt.

  4. Lovely name. Funny how it takes a while to find the good name! Love your string blocks!


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