Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Learner's Permit

I think I mentioned a few posts back that Pinterest is now my online drug of choice, and that it is totally addictive. Well, nothing has changed on that front except that it did lead me down the path of trying something new - a quilt-as-you-go project. So out came the scraps.

I'm wanting to make several items for the folks who run the gift shop at Madonna House, but am looking for the right combination of effort and result.  I recently pinned a few tutorial quilt-as-you-go tutorials and curiosity got the better of me, so I started to play around. 
One thing lead to another and before you know it I was making a cushion top. I referred to a couple of tutorials but followed Rachel's most of all. The first step was just to start somewhere, so I did.

She stitched direction onto the batting with no backing but I've stitched everything onto a foundation piece. For some odd reason I had visions of batting getting gummed up in my bobbin mechanism. This way it doesn't get hung up in the feed dogs either.

There's been lots of testing of fabric positions, and lots of changing my mind, which has slowed things down a bit, but I think I'll get better at that with time. Adding the directional rows of stitching really changes the look and feel of everything.

The pillow form that I have is 20", so it's a good size, and I'm thinking that I might make it completely reversible.

To say that I enjoy it is an understatement. I just LOVE the texture. I do think though that it's taking me longer than it needs to decide which colours to lay down next....M

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhh always have the most wonderful fabrics in your scrap pile. Looks like this pillow is shaping up to be a beauty! jane


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