Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Getting Close

I snuck downstairs on Sunday after our service to see how things were progressing with the quilting of mom's Dresden Plate, and, by the looks of things, I will be sharing pics of the finished product with you very soon.

It's been rolled down to the last two rows and those are well on their way to being finished. I can't wait to see the entire thing and put the binding on it. You could spend hours just looking at the great collection of fabrics in it.

This one has taken much longer for the gals to do than the one they did for me last winter - I do hope that they aren't getting tired of it.

Almost looks a little dangerous, doesn't it? :)  For anyone who hasn't put a quilt up on frames like this, they use a knife to pry the tacks out of the side boards when the quilt is being rolled.

Soon, very soon....M

1 comment:

  1. its beautiful...wow. thanks for sharing.
    a dresden plate is on my list of must make quilts


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