Friday, May 17, 2013

It's Spring, and Time for the Bloggers Quilt Festival

It's that's time again...time to check out all the fabulous eye candy that gets submitted to the Bloggers Quilt Festival. It never disappoints and I find myself going back to the entries over and over again for a good look - stop by the site and see who is participating in Amy's festival this season. A 5-year old tradition, it just looks to be getting larger each year and this time around you can view the entries by category, Baby Quilt, Bee Quilt, etc.

I've entered a Throw Quilt that I made about 15 years ago. It's a sampler of sorts and I don't even know what the name of the pattern is but it is one that is dear to my heart. I saw a tiny little photo on a subscription card for a craft book-of-the-month club, or something to that effect, and went from there.

I love the fabrics in this one, and every time I see it it makes me happy. The colours just work for me - I love the rich, burnt oranges, plums and reds, and the deep greens & navy. The tiny star print for the quilt blocks was a real favourite when I made this one. It has a really autumnal feel to it so lets call this one Harvest Sampler.

There's a certain sentimentality to it as well. The block on the right is made with fabric from my grandmother and it was hand quilted by mom.

She incorporated a heart vine pattern into the smaller border that softens the sharpness of the blocks nicely.

I bound and backed it with the same red that I used for the inset triangles.

It's not overly large - 59 x 72" - just the right size to nap under, which is part of the reason that it is hung over the back of the sofa downstairs.

Here's a shot that will give you a sense of the entire layout, including the corners.

Have fun browsing the other Festival entries....M


  1. Lovely sampler with lots of color and it looks so soft with the hand quilting. It's no wonder that it is a favorite for napping!

  2. I love Sampler quilts. Very nice to have a quilt that is just right for cuddling.

  3. Wonderful quilt.
    Greetings from Germany Grit

  4. This is a really fun quilt - thanks for sharing!


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