Wednesday, December 12, 2012

We Couldn't Wait

Remember I mentioned that I met Nancy and Dawn for dinner last week? Well, the lovely Nancy brought along delightful boxes of goodies for each of us - she always wraps things in amazingly beautiful ways.

They were filled with the most beautifully decorated Cardamom Honey Snowflakes so I dutifully took mine home to the Official Cookie Tester thinking that we could freeze them and enjoy them over the holidays. Not! I should have put them into the freezer right away, but noooooo, I left them on the counter for a bit. That's a challenge when you live with a cookie fiend.

And, being the kind-hearted soul that I am, I could not let him sample them himself, so, in very short order we finished off a couple each. De-lish! No point putting the rest into the freezer after that!

Aren't they just gorgeous? Apparently drinking plenty of wine is the key to her decorating prowess...

I'm still plugging away at a few little birds for the tree but quite frankly, there is so much going on with Christmas prep right now that I don't know if they will all get done. This might be handwork that I pick up during the holly-days. Oh well, I can still add them to the tree.

Note to self: next year finish all shopping by the end of November....M


  1. The cookies look delicious. I love that ribbon she used.

  2. It looks like I need to start drinking wine. Those are beautiful cookies.
    I love that you test the recipes for us and then give them to us.
    All your goodies amaze and inspire me.
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Ciao I'm happy to know you and your wonderful works. Here in Italy when a work is wonderful we say thai is BELLISSIMO and so your works are BELLISSIMI.
    ciao ciao Linda


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