Sunday, December 09, 2012

Give Me A 'D'...

If you are familiar with Denyse Schmidt's work at all you will recognize this photo as a slice from the cover of her book Modern Quilts, Traditional Inspiration. Dori had ordered it for me this past summer when she was getting one and I picked it up when I was in Toronto last week for a few days of training. More correctly, Nancy kindly brought it with her when she and Dawn and I met for dinner.

It has been a little crazy since I got home so I haven't had a ton of time to sit down with it, but a quick look has convinced me that there are a few projects that I really like and that usually means that there will be more once I spend some time with it.

I'm not sure if it's the colour or just the great graphic effect of the pattern but the first one to jump out at me was the Sawtooth Stripes. That green and white combo is lovely - you can't beat a 2-colour quilt, in my books.

I was also quite taken with the Streak of Lightning. Again, a very similar palette, but what I liked about this one was the 'make do' pieces that run along the bottom of it - they add great interest.

And last, but certainly not least, is the Single Irish Chain. I am always drawn to this pattern, and it seems the smaller the blocks, the better.

In this case it was also the incorporation of three additional prints in one or two areas into the otherwise solid orange and white quilt - just enough to make your eye have something to play with. LOVE it! If I keep finding new projects that I like I might have to give up my day job just so that I can stitch. But all that has to wait right now - time to do the Christmas cards..M

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Marie for leaving a comment on my blog! Happy New Year! I also love the Irish Chain quilt and one day hope to make one.


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.