Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Full Court Press

Most people are counting down the number of shopping days til Christmas but mine are the number of baking days. When they say 'Making a list and checking it twice' - for me it's the cookie baking list. Soooo, time to get at it because I have at least one tin that needs to be delivered tomorrow.

You'll recall that Social Tea Squares are a huge hit with our gang so I've made two batches of those - they still need to be cut up and put in tins. I think there will be two more pans made but I need to empty the pans first...

The Pecan Shortbread Drizzle are another fave (of mine, anyway). I love how they look on the plate, and all that nutty goodness and a hint of cinnamon, topped off with chocolate drizzle just makes my knees go weak, so I knew that I had to get a batch of them made.

They are made in the food processor (which I had forgotten) so they came together very quickly. It's a deceivingly small looking recipe but it makes over 70 cookies so there will be plenty of good cups of tea to be had.

Feeling like I was on a roll, I decided to try a new recipe. I tend to make the same list year after year but every now and then a new one sneaks in, so my list just continually gets longer.

These I can blame on Jane - I came across them on her Pinterest page - Gooey Chocolate Coconut Truffles. I seldom, if ever, make truffles but these looked too good to pass up. I haven't tried one yet but judging from the ingredients they sound like they will taste like a Mounds bar - gooey coconut on the inside and milk chocolate on the outside.

The photo from the recipe showed a very smooth truffle but I made mind a little textured. And the bonus was how many it made. The recipe suggested 24 teaspoon-sized truffles but I got 36 (and they are substantial once the chocolate is on them) so that was a pleasant surprise. I had not heard of coconut oil for baking before but found it at Bulk Barn. Give them a try - they are really easy - the longest part is coating them with chocolate.

Gooey Chocolate Coconut Truffles
3 c unsweetened, shredded coconut
1/2 c icing sugar
1/2 c sweetened condensed milk
1/4 c coconut oil, melted
1 1/2 c milk chocolate chips, melted

In a large bowl, combine coconut and sugar and mix to combine. Add in milk and coconut oil, mix constantly until a gooey coconut filling results. Roll into teaspoon-sized balls and place on parchment. Freeze 30 minutes. Melt chocolate chips in a double boiler or microwave; roll balls in chocolate. Refrigerate/freeze until ready to serve.

Maybe I should have stopped there with the new recipes, but noooooo, I had to try not only a new recipe but a new cookie press. Details to follow...M


  1. I'll be up there in a few days to taste test. I wouldn't want you to be serving below grade goodies.

    I can hardly wait.

  2. Hi Marie! Thanks for visiting my blog! Now I'm here to check yours out. :-)

    My family has made those coconut candies for years. My mom's recipe, which she got from a friend in the 1960's), called for melting paraffin in the chocolate to harden it! Can you believe that?? I use the chocolate candy melts instead. Next year I may try adding Crisco or other fat to the chocolate to harden it instead.

    Will be "seeing" you around, and then we can share some Kahlua-spiked eggnog with a coconut truffle! Talk about a sugar overload!!

    Hugs, Cathy

  3. Oh I must get this shortbread pecan drizzle recipe. I used to do all this type of baking and give it as gifts......then I started quilting! I make a few things but this one looks great!


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