Monday, November 12, 2012

Sewing For Sandy

We continue to watch in disbelief as our neighbours to the south grapple with the aftermath of hurricane Sandy, and can't help but feel extremely lucky. The storm passed by here but we dealt only with some heavy rains - nothing compared with being in the heart of it.

So when I saw Erin's post at My Patchwork Life I sat down to cut a few blocks. She's asking quilters to make a block or two - or more, if you are so inclined - using the Disappearing Nine-Patch pattern. She will assemble them and give them to needy families. She's even included a step-by-step tutorial for you, so no need to look things up - just find two pieces of fabric that meet her specs and off you go.

Originally I was going to make one block, maybe two, but when I got into it I ended up making six, using two different pinks. The yellow print is pretty bright so they would be fun in a little girl's quilt. With winter just around the corner they will be welcomed with open arms, so if you have a little time and would like to help out please do. It doesn't take long at all.

And Michelle at the Quilting Gallery is working with Victoria Findlay Wolfe at Bumble Bean quilts. Victoria is collecting quilts and blankets, either handmade or store bought, for those who need them. Michelle has a Wonky Log Cabin block tutorial and is looking for volunteers to make blocks and team leaders to assemble them, provide the backing and batting, quilt and bind the top, and then ship them to the distribution centre in New York City.

If you want to make your own quilt and send it directly you can - all the details are on Victoria's site. So spread the word and help where you can. A little of your time will be a huge and meaningful gesture to those who need some support and comfort right now.

And, if you don't quilt (or even if you do), or have the time to put together a few blocks, Christie at The Fabric Shopper has created the Disaster Relief Raffle. She has received wonderful donations that will provide added incentive to consider a donation to the American Red Cross relief efforts. For my friends here in Canada, 7 banks across the country are accepting donations for the Canadian Red Cross from November 7 to December 7, 2012...M


  1. Thanks for showing your support for people impacted by Hurricane Sandy! Canadians can also donate online at

    Janice Babineau, community manager at Canadian Red Cross

  2. What a wonderful idea. I will see what I can get together.


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