Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Sweet Table

There was so much in my last post that I completely forgot about the baked goodies that I made for the bake table at the Bazaar. The Bazaar has lots of components to it, from a delicious glazed ham lunch to a craft table, a White Elephant table, and a bake table and it is a lot of work, so I like to help out as much possible. The baked goods are always a great hit and there is so much to choose from.

This time around I made three different cookie recipes - Tiny Fudge Tartlets,

Double Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies,

and White Chocolate Gingerbread (a favourite of my friend Stephanie).

I'm not sure which is more fun - the baking or the packaging.

There were a few rejects (the first batch of fudge tartlets - I mismeasured the butter) and a small surplus of White Chocolate Gingerbread, so the Official Cookie Tester was very happy to clean those up, with a little help from moi. It was also the perfect excuse to start using my Christmas cookie tins. I have several Mary Englebright tins that I just love and I'll use them throughout the year just because they are so beautiful. If I could do just one thing in this world I would love to be able to illustrate the way that she can. This image is a little distorted - it's the lid and there is a bit of a curvature to it - but you get the idea.
All the cookies are gone now so today I'm thinking of making more of the gingerbread. They were really delicious but I remembered just a little too late that I had wanted to try the recipe with 2 eggs to make them chewier, so maybe this time around. Or maybe the oatmeal cookies - they were pretty good too...M


  1. ohh they all looked so yummy....

  2. Yum....making me feel like I need to bake!!

  3. Thank you for your comment on my blog, i am joining along with you!
    you have a lovely blog and those cookies look divine!
    Daisy j


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