Thursday, November 15, 2012

Crazy Eights

I thought it was pretty cool when I figured out how to make 4 HSTs at one time but last week I saw where Lynn from Sew'n Wild Oaks had a method for making eight at a time. What's a girl to do but try it, right? And what do you need to help you make them?

Why, a new Magic Wand, of course! Who doesn't want a magic wand? (I could use one for more than quilting). So I found one on the weekend while I was out doing errands and it followed me home. This one is pretty basic, with the only demarcation being a groove down the centre of it, 1/4" from each edge, but the Omnigrid version wasn't available and I was anxious to try it, so I took it. Actually, I paid for it and then I took it...

I selected two 8-inch squares of fabric and went to town; Lynn's tutorial is very well explained and they came together quite easily. I particularly like the size chart that she provided for cutting.

Of course, I hadn't really thought about what I'd do with them when they were made, and didn't want to get into HST production for a new large project, so I made them into pinwheels for the front panel of a Christmas stocking. There were just enough.

This is the same stocking pattern that I've been using all along, I just modified it slightly, simplifying the design by removing the prairie points and extending the length of the stocking.

I also tried a new quilting pattern for the bottom part and quite like it.

The back of the stocking is a solid panel of fabric, quilted the same as the bottom of the front; the others were totally reversible. It's the same snowflake fabric that I used for the cuff. And I still had red gingham binding left so I finished it off with that.

Wa la! A new Christmas stocking.

I'm having withdrawals from making things for the bazaar and haven't really landed on the next project to get my teeth into other than a bit of hand quilting on Confetti, so this filled the void.

There are still a few journals that I could cover - maybe I should sit down and finish those off and I could put that pile away. Am I the only one that keeps piling piles on piles - what one friend referred to as her piling system? A sorting of my sewing room is long overdue...M


  1. very cute and I love what you used for the binding! makes the stocking pop!
    thanks for sharing

  2. Hi Marie;

    i love this stocking and I would love to see how this magic wand works sometime. Would also like to learn how to paper piece sometime. Maybe over the Christmas holidays?

  3. Wonderful.
    Liebe Grüße Grit


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