Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Special Sunday

Two weeks ago four of us got together at Jane's cottage for a day of hand stitching. It was sort of a consolation prize - we had thought we might be able to swing a trip down to Niagara for a Sue Spargo workshop at Stitch in Jordan but, unfortunately, schedules did not allow for it so we did our own mini workshop with her in mind.

Betty and Jane had gotten a head start on Saturday and by the time I got there Jane had two of these wonderful felt Christmas trees made and was well on her way to finishing up this very rustic, very adorable little snowman.

Betty was working on a covert Christmas gift so she kept cutting wool for her piece and disappearing into the next room to lay it out (me thinks all will be revealed Christmas morning).

Jane also started work on this cushion top. It is wool and the beadwork just brought it to life that much more. She's still thinking about how to finish it off.

Linda joined in with me on Sunday and she was working on a beautiful piece with wonderfully embellished leaves. All three ladies are crafting commandos so they made great progress with their projects - I always feel like I am sitting with idle hands when I am around these three because they work so quickly.

I was working on felt birds for the bazaar so Jane got a quick tutorial ...

...and whipped up this pretty little one out of blue wool (I told you she was quick).

The place was bursting with fabric and felt and beads and buttons and yarn and ribbon and all manner of embellishment and lucky me came away with a little supply of irridescent white & pink snowflakes to use on my birds, compliments of Linda.

All in all, a wonderful day....M


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day of making handcrafted treasures. I know the feeling of working slowly - my hand quilting pace is glacial! Love your little birds!

  2. I'd love a workshop with Sue Spargo too. Have to say you girls did great on your own. You all did gorgeous work. Have fun.....


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