Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Third in a Series

As promised, here are a few pics of Jane's 'Mary Englebright' quilt, the same one that mom and Betty made. And, if you look closely you see a few of Mary's prints scattered throughout.

She started making it after she saw mom's and stitched it around the same time that mom was making hers (I have to admit that I have no recall in that regard - yikes!). Like the other two, it is all hand pieced.

Don't you just love the funky valentine/sweetheart border fabric that she used?

So there you have it - one pattern, three lovely interpretations.

Which reminds me, I still have to bind mom's....M


  1. It's great to see the 3 together, each with it's own flavour.

  2. So fun!! Really neat to seen them side by side!! Thanks for sharing!!


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