Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Spot of This...

It was a lovely, though slightly breezy, day here so I decided to pick up my Spot quilt and do a bit of stitching out on the deck in the shade of the umbrella. It was lovely because we have had long hot stretch of weather lately so it was nice to have it blown out.

I've got nine blocks together now and am really enjoying the look of it as it grows.There are another three blocks ready to be added now. I just LOVE blue & white quilts.

The original pattern doesn't have any borders, but I really like the look of the cherry & gingham print that I am using for the squares with the blue polka dots fabric so I think I might incorporate a border using it, and maybe some white. It will probably use up the last of that gingham. What a great print it has been. I picked it up in Walmart several years ago and it has found its way into a few quilts. So bright and cheerful.

And this is what happens to your photo shoot when a sudden breeze picks up!....M


  1. That's the first of seen of this quilt Marie. I love it too! It looks pretty finicky and small pieces. I think I have some of that cherry fabric too, just in case you need more for your border.

    See you this weekend! jane

  2. What a lovely blue!! So clean, fresh and inspiring!! LOVE IT!!!!

  3. I ordinarily don't love blue, but this quilt is going to be lovely. So soothing! I also want to let you know that I'm following your blog through google reader. You do such beautiful work.


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.