Thursday, June 21, 2012

Heading In The Wrong Direction

I've been dithering as to whether or not I still like the pinwheels for the Spring Garden border and finally decided to take the pile that I had sewn and string them together to get a better feel for how things would look. And that was fine for a while, until I realized that this one was backwards...

...all of the others spun in the opposite direction. Or so I thought.

There are actually three blocks that are backwards to what I need. Guess I wasn't paying attention at one point! I toyed with taking them apart and redoing them but will give them to Betty instead as she is collecting orphan blocks, so now she will have a few more to work with.

And, because I have only so much of a few of the blue prints I want to be certain that they are distributed throughout the border, so I started working on two border panels at the same time. I think that I will start all 4 so that I can ensure that each of the prints is scattered all the way around. The panels go together quite quickly once the blocks are all ready so you get a great sense of accomplishment. And it's such a happy block it's hard not to have fun with them, even if a few are backwards.

The pinwheels look really sweet beside the centre panel of the top but I still need to incorporate a strip or two of other prints and probably one or two white borders as well to tie it all together. I had been leaning towards using a narrow bit of green but now that I see everything together I'm thinking that either a pink or cherry red would work too - maybe both. Time to audition a few options.

So now that I've settled on the pinwheels I'll get back to cutting.

But there are still plenty more HSTs lined up and ready to go so I'll put those together first. And hopefully I'll get everyone going in the same direction this time!...M


  1. Pretty, pretty pinwheels... backwards or forwards! :o)

  2. Looking very wonderful!! Such cheerful fabrics!! Love the blue pinwheels!



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