Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm Seeing Spots

Look what arrived in yesterday's mail...lots and lots and lots of dots! A short while back Ann Babillis from Orange Crumpled Napkin had a giveaway for this lovely selection on her blog, all you had to do was leave a comment as to what you felt was important in creating an effective blog. I don't normally enter giveaways but, you know me, if anyone ask for my opinion I am more than happy to oblige. So I left a comment and it turns out that my name was picked from the hat, so this was my reward. Aren't they great? There's also a wide two-tone striped piece included but it missed getting into the photo. I'll need to see what I can whip up with these. Thanks so much, Ann, and for your lovely note.

In addition to checking the mailbox for goodies I have done a bit more on my Christmas Flying Geese quilt.

More geese are now together which means lots of corners to trim...

I couldn't resist starting to string a few together. SO nice! At the risk of repeating myself, I'm really going to like this one. I love the scrappy nature of it and want to see if I can find a few more greens to mix things up a bit more. To move things along I'm doing all of the geese for one piece of red or green at at time rather than randomly putting them together. That way I know that I am using my light colours only once with each colour and not creating duplicates. Anal, I know, but it will give me a good variety...M


  1. Dots and geese! These are a few of my favorite things. Love those geese!

  2. OH my goodness...I love these photos! Love the dots and the geese and the dogears...yum!


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