Saturday, July 20, 2024

Trying to Find a Gear

Did you ever try to learn to drive a standard? Remember that feeling of not quite getting the car into gear and searching for the sweet spot that would take you forward (or backward, for that matter). Well, I feel like that's where I've been of late - sitting between gears waiting for something to click.

That said, I finally made good on my remake of the yellow braid for the mug rugs to be given with the Christmas gifts for our shut-ins.

And I got over my fear of leaving too many trimming scraps on the table. I cut three roughly 8" x 6.5". The last one that's sitting on the top of the pile was too narrow so I reoriented the cut and got a fourth slightly smaller rug out of it. 

A few of the larger trimmings will likely become small HSTs to use in another one. You'd think that I don't have any yardage 😏.

A lonely little pile of forgotten HSTs made up quickly into these, which I quite like. They are approximately 6" x 8", which I hope is big enough.

And, I used some 1.25" scrappy strips to play with Log Cabin blocks. I quite like these as well and have the makings of one or two more ready to go.

Now that I have a few tops made I'm going to see if I can't get them quilted and take them with me to bind when we are away in August for a few days. It's always nice to have a bit of hand stitching to pick up. It's not a ton of progress but it's something, and I'll take it...M


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