Saturday, July 27, 2024

My Kind of Quilt

Scraptacular is proving to be just my kind of quilt. 

All those scraps that I seem to just leave on the cutting table edges and work around were corralled and taken upstairs to be sorted and cut into tiny, usable pieces. I know that some quilters have great success in organizing their remnants into strips and blocks but I get stalled just fretting about the final size to cut the scraps in case I want to use it for something else. Now I'm cutting with a purpose and those piles are revealing corners of my cutting table that haven't seen daylight in months!

My test blocks also gave me a good sense of what I want to cut. If you look closely, Edyta appears to have used just about everything and anything in hers but I'm planning to stay with a bit more of a traditional palette and toss in a few surprises along the way.

I also wasn't sure if I wanted to use large floral prints, but this block settled that question nicely. Love it....M


  1. Your blocks look great together. I looked up the Scraptacular quilt pattern and it's so fabulous. It makes me want to order it right away. I've got a box of assorted Blackbird Designs fabrics that would look fabulous done with this quilt pattern. I need to calm down a little and breathe in a paper bag - ha! You know how it is, when you see something that just hits the mark you want to immediately go in the sewing room and play.

  2. So many scraps…so little time! Cute little blocks you are making. Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. Scraptacular gorgeous!!!


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