Friday, April 05, 2024

My Perriwinkle Squirrel

You know what squirrels are like - they pop up out of seemingly nowhere. This one came to life with a sudden jolt early Wednesday morning when I realized that we needed a Quilts for Survivors flimsy to display during Coffee Hour on Sunday. Yikes!

With my morning coffee in hand, a cutting frenzy began (I'm blaming the fevered pace on a wicked head cold that I've been dealing with this week). I'd had my eye on the Kaleidoscope pattern thinking that it might work up quickly. It would also give me a great way to dig into a pile of blues that had been given to me. The two teal/aqua prints at the bottom left were dropped off by one of the quilters at the church for someone to put to good use; the two aquas above them and the polka dot and that tiny scrap of check in the top corner are from my stash. In no time at all I had everything cut except for the white bits. Whew!

When I sat down to sew in the evening, the true effect of my fever became apparent: I. Had. Used. The. Wrong. Ruler. Aggggggh! 

I dug through my rulers and found one that was 45 degrees, so that was a good start, but it meant that I had to trim everything that I'd already cut. What a waste of fabric and time. The painters tape that I used as my cutting guides looks like it was chewed off by a crazy lady, and by that point in the process it probably was.

Kaleidoscope can result in any number of patterns depending on where you place the colours for the pie-shaped pieces and the corners. I had a few combinations running through my head at the same time so it was going to be a big mystery as to what pattern finally emerged. My design wall was a godsend.

Slowly, it began to reveal itself. I'm saving all of the white corner pieces to do at the end, once all of the block spinning is finished and I know where everything is going to land.

Nothing got done yesterday because I was feeling just lousy so if this is to be finished by Sunday the next two days need to be pretty productive. Thankfully, the blocks are about 12", which is a good size. Wish me luck!....M

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