Sunday, April 07, 2024

A Surprise Ending

The sewing gods were with me on my mission to get Kaleidoscope to the finish line in time for displaying during coffee hour this morning. I caught this glimpse of it when the laundry room door was opened. LUV.

I was so happy with how well it came together; alternating the direction that the corner seams were pressed worked beautifully, making joining the blocks and rows a breeze.

By late afternoon yesterday it was finished, but when I looked at it I knew that the proportions were wrong. I debated adding borders on each side and maybe narrow borders top and bottom, but that just wasn't gonna do it.

So, I rummaged through my cuttings. I had used up all of one or two of the fabrics that I had but I'd be able to cobble together enough triangles to make six more blocks if I put my mind to it. And that's what I did. 

Sewing like a house on fire, that column came together in record time and after dinner it was attached and ready to go; the final size is 60" x 72". It looks so much better and you get to see more of the circular pattern as well. Eureka! 

Once it was pressed I started prepping the sign to accompany it (around 10 pm) and that's when it hit me - I didn't need it for today after all, I need it NEXT Sunday. Whaaaaaat??? Ah well, at least it's ready!

Moral of the story: double check any panic attack deadlines that run through your fevered head when you are dealing with a cold 😏. Still love it....M


  1. I have to tell you that your post had me roaring with laughter by the end. lol. 🤣. Beautiful quilt top BTW. Gail at the cozy quilter.

  2. Love this one Marie! What is the finished size?

  3. This is a lovely quilt and kudos to you for getting it done so quickly despite your cold symptoms. xox


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