Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Goblins Are Coming!

The Queen of 'Ween has been at it again! There's no denying that this is one of Jane's favourite times of the year and recently she has pulled Linda into her creative web with the two of them deciding earlier this summer to make Hallowe'en quilts for Jane's great niece and nephew (two of Linda's grandchildren).

By late September they were finished and ready to be mailed.

Jane has just the BEST collection of Hallowe'en prints so digging through them was half the fun, I'm sure.

I have always loved this dot. Just fun, isn't it? The first photo in this post is another absolute fave.
And it wouldn't be All Hollow's Eve without a few black cats now, would it?

Creative gal that she is, when she was prepping her quilt for mailing she enclosed an "I Spy" list for Lucy to find items in the quilt. To say that they were thrilled to open their mail is an understatement. Logan loved his because 'it smelled like Granny'. How adorable!

Even Jane's wee pincushion has a Hallowe'en vibe, doesn't it?

Roberta quilted both of them with this great spiderweb panto, the perfect finishing touch. I haven't heard for certain, but I suspect that they've been sleeping under these treasures for the past month....M


  1. Thanks Marie for bloggin' on about our Halloween quilts. Much appreciated and sent a link to Allie. Linda

  2. What a great Halloween scrap quilt. The children are probably delighted.

  3. What a treasure! And, so much fun to explore and see what’s all in there! Had to laugh last Fall when Jane was here. She said she absolutely wasn’t going to buy Halloween fabric. You know that didn’t happen! :D


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