Sunday, October 22, 2023

Feels Like Spring

Today is one of those drizzly, cool, grey autumn days that makes you want to sit in, wrapped up in a cozy quilt sipping a good cup of cocoa, so sharing a quilt that's filled with pretty spring irises seems like a good way to counter the season's gloominess. 

This is the second of Betty's Quilts for Survivors projects and I just love it. I'd seen a block or two as it was coming together but I wasn't quite prepared for the impact of seeing them all in one place. Gorgeous!

Similar to her fall-coloured quilt, this is a very simple modified Nine-Patch. Those beautiful irises  are common throughout but it's the variety of mauves and purples surrounding the centre squares that takes it to a whole other level. 

You can see how she transitioned her thinking to have all four cornerstones in one fabric and the sashing pieces in a second colour, bringing more structure/order to the design, despite it's scrappiness.

It's a terrific example of where more is better - there's so much variety and movement, lots of places for your eye to roam - and all within the confines of a very basic block.

She stayed with a garden theme for the backing as well. That green floral is a beautiful complement to all of the purples and yellows. And the periwinkle binding will finish it off so nicely. I'm already dreaming of spring!.....M 

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