Monday, June 05, 2023

A Little More Yet To Do

Since about mid April I have been playing with scrappy green Log Cabin blocks.

It started after I saw a couple of the Quilts for Survivors blocks that Jean from our church quilting group had made using four 8" blocks with the colours all positioned in the centre. On a whim, I made four blocks. Meh.

It didn't do anything for me, but I couldn't stop making blocks. And then I thought I might also make a pink quilt. I quickly gave my head a shake and determined to find a way for the two colours to play together.

The hunt continued for scraps. And, if I was to make 48 blocks in short order, there had to be a plan. Eventually I worked in batches of 5 or 6, which I could do in just over an hour once I got smart and pre cut all of my strips instead of cutting as I went.

With all of the blocks together now (and one to the good) it was time to test drive a layout. Not bad, but I had envisioned something a little more asymmetrical, something like Jane's work of art.

I simply took the column of blocks from the right side and moved it over to the left side and wa-la! A little tweaking to improve the mix of colours and it was good to go.

Except for that gaping hole in the middle. Two more pink squares are needed and then I can start putting it together....M


  1. What a great scrap busting project. I like the asymmetrical layout. Gail at h to e Cozy Quilter

  2. Love this! Log Cabin blocks are always so intriguing sewn up in scrappy fabrics. These colors are really making my heart go pitter patter too. Very sweet.:)


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