Thursday, May 04, 2023

Oh Happy Day!

Well, I broke with tradition this week and finished up a quilt in just over a week!

It's the Irish Change that I started for my friend. Knowing myself only too well, I was determined that this not be one that got started and then languished on the chair for months on end (possibly years!), so I kept my head down and saw to it that all of the blocks got made in good order.

Sunday I headed to the lake for a day with Jane so we had two machines humming all day - she worked on a Quilts for Survivors project and I plugged away at getting my flimsy together.

The only surprise in all of it was finding that I had six blocks left over at the end of the day. Whaaaat? I had followed my chart religiously so as not to mess up the rows, because each row had either light or dark borders on the blocks, but there they were, six perfectly good blocks with no place to go. 

I am blaming my poor layout illustration skills. I think that I counted some of my border blocks, which are two thirds the size of a full block, as a full block. Oh well, better too many than too few. They may become runners for the Holly Bazaar down the road.

Love that paisley; it creates such a softness to the overall quilt and is a nice contrast to the crisp lines of the blocks.

Monday I was up bright and early and got busy adding the borders and by the afternoon it was with Roberta for quilting. As luck would have it, I had recently picked up a soft yellow polka dot backing and I think that it's going to be perfect. The bonus? My friend loves polka dots.....M


  1. Wow! What an awesome start to finish. The paisley is a perfect match and does lends a softness to the over all appearance. Yes, better to have too many blocks than to have to start over.

  2. Wow! Looks great. Your friend will love it!

  3. Beautiful, Marie! The colours & fabrics are gorgeous, and your little blocks are perfection. I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with for quilting. Your friend will love it!
    And, how wonderful to spend time at the lake with Jane … feeling a little envious!


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