Sunday, May 07, 2023

Good Things Happen Fast

Have you heard the saying, "Good things happen fast"? It certainly seems to apply to my Irish Change quilt as each step seems to be moving along in leaps and bounds. 

This morning I picked it up from Roberta so now all that is left to do is the binding. I have a very little bit of the paisley left over and have my fingers tightly crossed that it will be enough.

The quilting is just beautiful (a panto called Pergola) and shows up so nicely on the chain blocks...

with leafy tendrils winding their way across the quilt and adding wonderful texture to the paisley squares.

It looks equally fantastic on the back with the polka dots scattered throughout the design. Time to get it trimmed up and settle in for some relaxing hand stitching....M


  1. Such pretty fabrics and colours in your quilt. The quilting is beautiful.

  2. Love the quilting design! You better getting that binding done quick. You're possibly going for a speed record

  3. Gorgeous quilting on your pretty quilt. Good luck with the binding, hope you have enough.

  4. That Pergola panto was a lovely choice for your Irish Chain! Happy binding and congrats on your beautiful finish!

  5. Love that pergola!!! Such pretty yellows & greys, too!

  6. Good for you, Marie!

    Steph will love it.


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