Wednesday, December 21, 2022

What's Left on the Cutting Table?

Remember these trees? When planning my Holly Bazaar sewing I like to do a sweep through my sewing room (particularly the table) and see what remnants I could work with to pull together into a table topper or placemats. This year I found a small bundle of trees that did not get used in the Vintage Tree Farm quilt that I made for my niece and her husband a year ago, but I ran out of time so they continue to wait for their moment to shine.

I'm not certain, but I think that I might have more of this green left, so I could add to the little forest, if I need to...

Not sure what this will be when it grows up but these two rusty red/cream prints might be nice to include - a very different feel from the original quilt.

But, with Santa just days away from arriving, there's a few other priorities on my plate right now. Lists have been made and I'm on the final countdown to have everything ready for our Christmas Eve celebrations (including scrubbing the kitchen floor, which is always a sure sign that I'm really ready 😏). Yesterday I prepped the pastry for the Mincemeat Tarts that will be baked Christmas Eve and took a bit of a diversion, also making a batch of Butter Tarts. The Official Cookie Tester did not complain.

Hope your prep is going well and that you are enjoying the season, in spite of, and just possibly because of, the lists....M

1 comment:

  1. It's challenging and yet fun, to see what those leftovers can become. I like the red background choices. What a lucky cookie tester. Enjoy your holiday.


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