Sunday, March 13, 2022


We changed the clocks last night which, while we lost an hour of sleep, means the evenings will continue to get longer and longer as the days begin to get milder. That said, both last weekend and this the weatherman had storm warnings for us, so we're not out of the winter woods quite yet. That's okay by Anne because she is happily enjoying her beautiful flannel Snowdays quilt.

The pattern is really called Home Quarter but she's named it after the fabric line that she used.

Roberta quilted it with a pattern called Sea of Snowflakes, which seems more than appropriate - it reminds her of a giant snow globe.

The candy cane binding is lots of fun - just finishes it of so nicely.

And isn't the red backing gorgeous with those quilted snowflakes rolling through the stylized holly?

Roberta also made this quilt, not once, but twice - first with a red border...

And then with a black border. 

She mixed in some of Bonnie’s Sullivan’s Holiday Warmth Woolies so it has a slightly different look than Anne's, but, as she says, it's still over the top Christmassy. 

Roberta prefers the one with the black border (I think that I do too), but that being said, she finished the red one first and it was so nice to have at Christmas. She echoes Anne's comments that these quilts weigh a ton and certainly keep you tucked in at night – no falling out of bed with one of these on top!

So fun to see the same pattern done up in three slightly different ways, each with their own personality....M


  1. These are very pretty Christmas quilts and it's nice to have some weight to a warm quilt! Love that striped binding.

  2. What a fabulous pattern to showcase lots of really fun fabrics! I love that Anne’s backing fabric kind of echos the quilting. Three gorgeous quilts! Flannel intimidates me … but, the idea of that snuggly-ness is appealing!


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