Sunday, November 28, 2021

Where, Oh Where, Did The Past Week Go?

Last Sunday I was all excited to start binding Little Trees after picking it up from Roberta but somehow my week conspired to have me doing everything but. Finally, last night I got to cutting and machine sewing it down so today I'm looking forward to lots of hand stitching.

I thought that I was going to use the light blue with red berries and I had toyed with using as a narrow border, but when it came time to cut I just wasn't convinced. It was okay, but somehow a little flat.

Then I thought I'd just use the green in the outer border, but it was tough to get a good cut, either on the bias or with the straight of grain. It just felt that introducing another colour would give it a nice pop.

So I went back to the pink gingham with the polka dots that I had purchased when I bought the border and backing fabrics; it seemed to pick both of them up, and there's just enough red in the dots to make it work with the reds in the trees and the snowman toques. It also adds a nice little touch of whimsy.

As you know, I'm a sucker for gingham on the bias so it didn't take much to convince me.

One side is hand sewn now so if I get into a good football game this afternoon there's a chance that it could all be finished up today, which would be terrific....M


  1. Of course I love your trees, Marie. They are my inspiration for my present rather feeble start on my own forest. But I figure one or two here and there with no particular deadline will get me there. I will be referring to your posts often!

  2. So very cute! I so admire quilters who keep their points! Happy sewing!

  3. Your little trees are darling. The colours are so pretty and the quilt is filled with whimsy. The backing fabric is fabulous and yes, the fabric for the binding is perfect. A most beautiful finish!

  4. Very cute. I think your final choice looks very nice to compliment all the greens.

  5. Isn't it fun when our first fabric choices are the best. The gingham is perfect.

  6. Love, love, LOVE everything about this quilt, Marie!

  7. I love your snowman backing fabric, Marie, and the gingham binding is just perfect!


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