Sunday, November 21, 2021

Baking Day and Itchy Fingers

I spent yesterday in the kitchen prepping all of the items that I had promised for the bake table at the Holly Bazaar. The Official Cookie Tester was on duty as well, ensuring that the Toblerone Shortbread was up to snuff and, while he was at it, sampling a few other wares as well. As of last night everything was baked, packaged and labelled and the house smelled of chocolate, butter and cinnamon. A nice way to fall asleep.

So with that behind me, it's back to quilting (I'm missing making and sewing down bindings so my fingers are getting itchy to do some hand sewing 😉). I dropped the flimsy for Little Trees off for quilting a little while ago and picked it up today from Roberta, so problem solved. It. Is. Just. Adorable! 

After adding in a white-on-white border with a wintery swirl around all of the trees I debated including a very narrow blue border.

In the end I opted to just use the wide green border - it kept things open and airy and let the little snowflakes in the print shine. When I saw the quilted finish I knew that it was the right decision. 

I was really keen to get it trimmed up and binding made today but I had a few errands to run and chores to do, so it will have to wait until tomorrow, but I am SO looking forward to having that handwork on my list of things to do. Have I mentioned that it's adorable?....M


  1. I'm new to your blog and this is the first I've seen Little Trees. It is wonderful! I will try and draft a pattern so I can make a forest too. Is the 2x4 block size finished or unfinished? Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Always love hearing that the offical cookie tester was on duty. Little Trees is sweet

  3. Cookie baking time has got to be the very best time of year at your house.:)

  4. Toblerone Shortbread?! That sounds delicious! I don’t suppose you could point me in the direction of the recipe you used, please? I love your tree quilt too!

  5. You have been busy, Marie! I’m excited to see what you’ve chosen for your binding, and the beauty of the quilting. Hand-stitching with a cookie and a cuppa tea sounds like a perfect afternoon!


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