Sunday, March 14, 2021

Remember Minnie?

My Little Trees are piling up nicely but today it was time to cut more background pieces and I just didn't feel like it (sometimes you just want to sit down and stitch) so I cast my eye to the corner where my long lost friend Minnie sits.

When last I touched her the plan was to lay out all of the large diamonds and setting triangles to see where things stood and maybe get an idea of the colours needed for the remaining setting triangles. 

But there were a few units already together so instead I chose the low hanging fruit and started there, sitting down to watch The Players golf tourney and do a little stitching. I've made a little more progress, but in digging into the hexies that are already cut (and there are lots of them!) I think it's soon going to be time to cut a few more because many of the colours that are cut tend to the darker side. Guess I can't avoid the cutter forever...

To keep my strength up, periodically I would head into the kitchen to enjoy a morsel or two of a Beavertail (fried bread dough treats with different toppings) 😏. Anne had dropped by earlier in the day with two in hand for the Official Cookie Tester and I. Hadn't had one in years! I know that because of the time change it was supposed to be Pi Day, but close enough....M


  1. Beaver tails, as in Ottawa? Remember those from when we went skating on the canal and enjoying Winterlude.

  2. Minnie is resplendent in all those lovely hexies.

  3. Your diamond hexies are just lovely--
    I've never heard of that fried stuffed bread dough...sounds so yummy hugs, Julierose

  4. I do remember Minnie. She's a beauty and it will exciting when you finally lay it out to see what to do next. I've also heard of Beaver Tails, but have never had one. They look like they would provide just the right nourishment to keep going.

  5. Your Minnie is a fantastic long term project. I don't think another hexie quilt is in my future but..... maybe? So irresistable.


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