Saturday, March 20, 2021

It's Spring!

Here's to the first day of spring! It hasn't really been an exceptionally hard winter for us, but after months of snow on the ground and lots of lockdown it is such a treat to see the grass and buds start peeking through. We're in for an absolutely gorgeous run of weather so I expect that things will be much greener by next weekend.

And look at what's popped up in my mud room - a lovely pair of freshly quilted treats! They are like the first blossoms of the season.

This is just a teaser, but God's Green Earth...

and Snippets are ready for bindings. I'm anxious to see them both on the beds for the spring but want to make a bit more headway on Minnie before I switch gears. Suffice it to say that my sneak peek at them has made me very happy. What would I do without the lovely and talented Roberta?....M

p.s. Happy International Quilting Day!


  1. We've been teased with spring, and now you're teasing us with your newest finishes. Hahaha. Loving seeing some of that lovely quilting.

  2. Can't wait to see those two quilts in their full glory! What is the name of the panto used on God's Green Earth? thanks


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