Sunday, April 19, 2020

DoubleTree's Signature Chocolate Chip Cookies

I've been watching with interest while the world works its way through this pandemic, baking bread like crazy. I've pinned any number of recipes but haven't taken the plunge. And then I saw that DoubleTree recently shared the recipe for their signature chocolate chip cookies. Game on!

My love affair with this cookie goes back decades when I was organizing a conference in Sacramento. For a variety of reasons it was a great conference, not the least of which was that it meant a trip to sunny California. A lasting memory of that trip was having a warm chocolate chip cookie slid across the reception desk toward me at check in. Being a Canadian, I wasn't familiar with the DoubleTree hotel chain at the time so this was a truly unexpected and pleasant surprise. I was hooked.

#QuiltBee: DoubleTree's Signature Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe
I came home with a souvenir cookie tin that I've been tempted to toss any number of times over the years but just couldn't bring myself to do it. Well, today its purpose has been realized. The Official Cookie Tester was delighted!

This cookie is fully loaded - the only change I made was to roast the nuts a bit beforehand to enhance their flavour and use a combination of semi-sweet and dark chocolate chips, because that's what I had.

Anyone who knows how I bake knows that I like lots of tiny cookies on a plate, but this recipe calls for BIG cookies - three tablespoons of batter. I made mine large but not quite that large and still ended up with 36 good-sized cookies instead of 26.

I also froze the dough for a dozen so that we can enjoy more fresh baking down the road.

#QuiltBee: DoubleTree's Signature Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe
Maybe some day I'll turn my attention to baking bread but today it's all about cookies and milk. Thank you DoubleTree - the love affair continues.....M


  1. Those cookies do look delicious. By freezing some of the dough, you can pretend you're a Double Tree Hotel and serve up warm cookies any time.

  2. Mmmmm.... they look soooo yummy!


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