Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Coming In From The Cold

Just as our world was beginning to social distance I picked up my baby quilts from Roberta. She had distancing protocols in place to protect both her and her clients so it was more like a drug deal than a quilt pickup in that my bag was waiting at the front door and there was no one to see or chat with.

The quilts had been in quarantine in her garage for a day or two already, just to be on the safe side, and when I got them home I decided that leaving them in our garage for a few more days was probably not a bad idea idea. So there they stayed. For a week. Then for two, because my memory had turned to mush.

#QuiltBee: Moda Love baby quilt
Eventually I remembered to bring them inside and was delighted to find that she had once again exceeded my expectations. I had had a tough time narrowing down the pantograph that I wanted because I am in such a rut with using her feathered scroll pattern, but she had pulled three or four excellent suggestions.

#QuiltBee: Moda Love baby quilt
The star and moon pattern that we landed on still has lots of scroll to it and it looks as though they are tumbling through the Milky Way. It is perfect and the quilts are adorable.

#QuiltBee: Moda Love baby quilt
They just look so incredibly cozy and my little mice seem to be enjoying the new look as well.

#QuiltBee: Moda Love baby quilt
Besides being a talented longarmer she is also a bit of a miracle worker. Neither of the pieces that I had for backings were overly large and my fingers were crossed that she would be able to make them work. Well, not only did she make them work, I had leftovers enough to bind them both. I could have kissed her!

#QuiltBee: Moda Love baby quilt
So now I enjoy the lovely task of hand sewing the bindings down and saying goodbye to these little beauties. I have it on good authority that the mother-to-be was to have had a baby shower this weekend but that's not happening, for obvious reasons, so guests will drop their gifts at the end of the drive while she waves at them from the window. Interesting times....M


  1. Those baby quilts are adorable, Marie, and I agree that the pantagraph choices are perfect. I had not thought about mothers to be having their baby showers canceled. So unfortunate, so many casualties of this social distancing!

  2. Lucky Little Ones! Your quilts are gorgeous, Marie ... and, that quilting is perfect!


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