Monday, March 16, 2020

We Live In Interesting Times

It's been an interesting and somewhat stressful week, hasn't it? The world watches the evolution of the COVID-19 virus and all of its fallout. Societies are slowly being shuttered. Feeling as though we have been buffeted from one thing to another for the last several days it seemed like a good time to enjoy some comfort food. This Gingerbread Poke Cake fit the bill perfectly - the heavenly caramel sauce that is poured over it just takes things to a whole new level.

#QuiltBee: Huddle quilt
With more and more emphasis being put on social distancing I am looking to my quilting to provide solace as well. Somewhat appropriately, I started sewing together Huddle blocks.

This is an Eye Candy Quilts pattern - a Christmas gift the year before last - which has been cut and waiting for the better part of a year. Perfect. No need to think, just sit in and sew (but only after you rewind the bobbin, cut two missing get the idea).

My version will be larger, primarily so that I don't end up with a square quilt (you know me!). I can't remember how many blocks I need - 30? We'll find out.

#QuiltBee: Huddle quilt block
This was the first block off the presses and I have to say that it was easy and fun to watch it come together. I always find it interesting to work on large blocks because so much of my time is spent sewing tiny pieces - it almost feels like cheating 😏.

#QuiltBee: Huddle quilt block
And this is the second. I tried to stay as true to the colours in the pattern as possible, including adding in this plaid. It makes me doubly happy because the fabric came from a thrift shop shirt which gives things a nice 'make do' feel right from the get-go. Not a bad way to begin National Quilting Week, is it?

As social distancing becomes the norm for the near future I hope that you too are able to use some of that time to relax with your stitches. Sending wishes for good health....M


  1. The gingerbread cake sounds yummy. I really like the blocks you have made. This is going to be a great quilt.

  2. That cake looks nice.
    I am starting a new quilt and I have another lined up for after that. who knows how long we are going to be distanced?

  3. It seems we are all adapting to the new norm. You've got some "sweet" things going on both in the kitchen and sewing room.

  4. Yummy Dessert! What a pretty quilt you are working on. I too have started another quilt to pass the time. Stay Safe

  5. Great quilt blocks and ABSOLUTELY love the HUDDLE QUILT
    Can you tell me where I can find the quilt block directions?


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