Monday, March 23, 2020

Message in a Bottle

Make 'A' blocks first. That's what my note says. Now if I could only remember why that is...

I think it might have something to do with getting a good variety of creams but it could mean anything. That's the joy of cutting out a quilt and leaving the pieces to steep for a year before sewing them - sort of like my own personal mystery quilt, or a message in a bottle that has rolled up onto the shore with a note from a far off land.

#QuiltBee: Huddle quilt blocks
So I set to work on the 'A' blocks, but you had to know that I just had to try one or two of the 'B' blocks to see the reverse colour placement 😏.

#QuiltBee: Huddle quilt block
I'm enjoying putting them together. Initially I laid all of the pieces out so as not to confuse myself, working in concentric circles until the last round of pieces is added, but lately I've been able to just group the pieces that need to be assembled into units before they are sewn and that seems to be saving a bit of time.

#QuiltBee: Huddle quilt block
All 'A' blocks (a.k.a. the centre panel) are now together so I'm headed to 'B'. Fourteen down, 16 to go!....M


  1. Love the pattern, very pretty blocks!

  2. This will be a lovely quilt. Using the reverse layout as a border will add a subtle change that will elevate it. And this is the perfect time to haul all our stalled projects out. Have fun with it.

  3. Ah yes. Note to self: write better notes! Been there, done that.:) Your blocks are looking very nice. Lovely, lovely fabrics.


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.